The image appearing below this are, what are known as, Zentangles. I've done quite a few now but I wanted to add these two to something called 'The Diva's Challenge' (Laura Harm's blog) so had to utilise this poor neglected little bloggy to post them on Laura's page more easily.
Such is my interest in the tangling of the zen, that I've developed a tendency to not get to bed until after midnight at the moment, on account of just having to 'finish this bit off, before I hit the sack'. As a result of which, I haven't been feeling very zen of a morning....more like zombie.....perhaps I'll invent Zomtangling.....or maybe I already have!
Anyway, it's a very cool way to pass the time and feel a bit creative, not to mention zone out and not think about all the worries that you have on your plate. Good stuff.
If anything interesting ever happens again, I'll be sure to hop on here and make it known. Having said that, I'm not sure who I'd be making it known to as I'm pretty sure I'm the only one reading this thing.....hmmmm, I may as well cut out the middle man and just tell myself what I'm doing.... :P it!